Robin Semmelhack trained at Marin Ballet starting at the age of 3 with Laurie Klein, Leslie Crockett, Cynthia Lucas and...Robert Sund! She joined Smuin Ballet in 2002 soon after graduating high school and was lucky enough to spend 11 years dancing with Smuin. She performed many rewarding roles including Michael Smuin’s Eternal Idol, Bouquet and Fly Me to the Moonand worked with other notable choreographers such as Amy Seiwert, Val Caniparoli, Ma Cong and Trey McIntyre.
The first ballet Robin danced of Mr. Sund’s was Ravel, performed at Marin Ballet in 1997! She is so happy to be working with Bob as he is a talented choreographer and lifelong friend. Robin now lives in Petaluma with her husband Matt, and two daughters, Lily and Clara. This is her first performance since retiring from the stage in 2013